About us

Company Profile


Fashion Jewellery is the root of our business.

Our markets span across Europe, USA, South America, Australia and Japan, while we are also ready to explore and develop in other markets.

We are approaching our fifth decade since the establishment of our company, and have been standing strong through the ups and downs of the global economy.

The everchanging fashion trends and market demands have led us through new developments and challenges. Our offer today comprises fashion jewelleries, fashion watches and ladies’ handbags.

Fulfilling the needs of our clients has always been our top priority, and it has also given us more profound insight about the market throughout the years. The collection of our jewelleries, accessories, and timepieces range over multiple styles and fit all occasions.

With the full support of our design & production team, we will continue to thrive into the future with faith and hard work. We hope you can join us, as we serve you with our products in the best way we can, and let us prosper together!